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Counting Ourselves is a comprehensive national health and wellbeing survey designed by and for trans and non-binary people. It is led by the Trans Health Research Lab at the University of Waikato, which consists of a team of academic staff and students who are trans, non-binary, and cisgender. Their recently released report - Counting Ourselves: Findings from the 2022 Aotearoa New Zealand Trans & Non-binary Health Survey - is the second iteration of the survey and follows on from the first report published in 2018. It found significant healthcare inequities and high levels of violence and discrimination against trans and non-binary people in Aotearoa, as well as alarming rates of psychological distress and suicidality within these communities.
The second survey received 2631 responses from trans and non-binary people aged 14 and older living in Aotearoa - nearly twice the number of responses to the 2018 survey.
Principle Investigator Dr Jamie Veale from the University of Waikato, said:
“These figures highlight the urgent need to address discrimination and violence, protect and support those experiencing conversion practices, and fund accessible, safe, and inclusive mental health services.”
The report discusses how trans and non-binary people:
- Experienced discrimination or bullying at work and school
- Were unable to access quality information, healthcare, counselling, housing, or important identity documents – especially during Covid-19
- Avoided activities or communities for fear of how they would be treated, including public restrooms, sports, emergency housing, or certain towns and cities
- Felt unwelcome in, or disconnected from, their communities e.g., religious, ethnic, or disability communities
- Felt other parts of their identities (e.g., their culture, indigeneity, or disability) were invisible or unwelcome in Rainbow spaces
- Were forced to hide their gender identity out of fear
- Experienced attempts by others to stop them being trans or non-binary through shame, coercion, trying to change their behaviour, making them believe their identity was a defect, or pretending they weren’t trans or non-binary
- Frequently saw negative messages about trans and non-binary people online
- Found organisations that were supposed to keep them safe – like schools – tolerated bullying against trans and non-binary people.
Key findings from the survey
The report discusses comprehensive results across a range of questions, but a few key findings from the survey highlight:
- High levels of unmet need for gender-affirming healthcare persisting between 2018 and 2022
- Unmet healthcare needs compounded by prohibitive costs and fear of mistreatment
- Specific unmet needs for gender affirming hormones, laser hair removal or electrolysis, chest reconstruction surgery, phalloplasty, vaginoplasty, voice therapy, counselling or psychological support, and fertility preservation services
- Increased likelihood (compared to the general population) of reporting experiencing discrimination, threats of violence, attempted or completed forced sexual intercourse, and feeling unsafe using public transport at night
- Increased likelihood of reporting high levels of psychological distress, using cannabis, amphetamines, hallucinogens, and other non-prescription substances, and having a disability, long-term condition, or mental health condition limit their ability to carry out everyday activities
- Decreased likelihood of reporting good general health or feeling like their doctor was good at involving them in decisions about their care and treating them with respect
- High prevalence of deliberate self-harm (50%), serious consideration of suicide (53%), and attempted suicide (10%) in the past 12 months.
While the report largely examines negative experiences, trans and non-binary people also reported some positive or protective experiences. The quality of support from family members, friends, co-workers, and trans, rainbow, or takatāpui community mental health services was crucial to reported positive outcomes. Respondents often drew on their trans and non-binary identities as a source of pride, and were similarly proud of their identities as Indigenous, a person of colour, or a member of an ethnic community where relevant. Many trans and non-binary people reported they had spent a lot of time supporting and trying to make things better for others.
Co-principal Investigator Jack Byrne said:
“Trans and non-binary people are supporting each other through really hard times, but not everyone has that access to community support, especially outside main cities... structural change is urgently needed to ensure that trans and non-binary people are not left to navigate misinformation, discrimination, and violence alone.”
Policy recommendations from the report
Recommendations made in Counting Ourselves were guided by the six values of Professor Elizabeth Kerekere’s Te Whare Takatāpui framework, with each one representing a different part of a wharenui. When these values are woven together, Te Whare Takatāpui can shelter and nurture all trans and non-binary people and their whānau. Multiple recommendations sit beneath each value and have been summarised below:
Whakapapa: Develop resources to promoting understanding and celebration of gender diversity.
Wairua: Fund accessible community spaces and protecting trans and non-binary people from attempts to change or suppress their identities.
Mauri: Ensure all services respect and meet the needs of trans and non-binary people, including a simple pathway to legal gender and name changes.
Mana: Improve pathways to and information about gender-affirming public healthcare services; counter harmful myths through evidence-based resources.
Tapu: Increase availability of all types of gender-affirming public healthcare services (including mental health and addiction) and protect trans and non-binary people from violence.
Tikanga: Fully protect trans and non-binary people from discrimination and harassment and provide healthcare workers with training and resources about their health needs.
Gender Minorities Aotearoa executive director Ahi Wi-Hongi told RNZ:
"We really need to put funding and put other resourcing around trans people and make sure that there are ways for trans people to be safe. Trans people should get to be safe in society in the regular way that everyone should be safe in society."
Next steps
This survey helps fill gaps in prevalence data for violence experienced by Rainbow communities in Aotearoa. Care was taken to recruit a wide variety of participants, including via trans and non-binary community leaders, prioritising Māori, Pasifika and Asian peoples, as well as older trans women for these roles. Rainbow organisations helped promote the survey, especially in smaller city networks and rural areas. The team also worked with trans and non-binary disabled and neurodivergent people to get their support to circulate the survey and created specific social media posts for disabled people.
The authors of the Counting Ourselves report note that they only had space to cover a fraction of the data gathered during the 2022 survey. A te ao Māori report on the data is currently underway, along with a disability resource from the data. They invite government agencies, health providers, community groups, researchers, and funders to consider opportunities for collaboration to make more data available and to action the existing findings and recommendations of this report.
The changing social landscape
Counting Ourselves data was collected prior to 2023, so does not account for significant changes in the social landscape between 2022 and present.
In their report, Transgressive Transitions (2023), The Disinformation Project, which closed in October 2024, discusses the impact of Posey Parker/Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull's March 2023 visit to Aotearoa, which corresponded with a measurable rise in both volume and tone of transphobia. The report also examines the role online communities play in the intensification of violent anti-trans content, particularly in far-right social media spaces.
Dr Sanjana Hattotuwa, Research Fellow at The Disinformation Project said:
“The type of language and imagery we’re seeing is significantly more violent, including repeated use of language that denies that trans people exist, or that they should be allowed to exist.”
Police data reflected a similar increase in violence as the number of reported hate crimes motivated by gender identity almost doubled between 2022 and 2023. In 2024, there were high-profile acts of vandalism were carried out against rainbow road crossings in Auckland and Gisborne. Auckland Pride co-chairperson Bhenjamin Goodsir told RNZ that reparations paid for paint, but didn't make rainbow communities safer. "We need to address the underlying homophobia and transphobia. I don't think we can be excited about repainting in the context of the hate and transphobia being experienced by many at the moment." A Destiny Church protest at a recent Auckland Pride 2025 event gained similar media attention, with a similar protest occurring in Wellington.
Some violence indicators in the 2022 Counting Ourselves report had not changed much since the first report in 2018, with several showing an improvement. Given the changing social landscape since 2023, true experiences of violence may now be significantly worse.
Related research
New Zealand crime and victims research: The burden of crime victimisation among the LGBTQ+ population in Aotearoa is a study that compares the risk of victimisation between LGBTQ+ individuals and non-LGBTQ+ individuals using data from the New Zealand Crime and Victims Survey 2019.
A 2016 report from Hohou Te Rongo Kahukura, Building Rainbow communities free of partner and sexual violence, finds high levels of partner and sexual violence towards members of Rainbow communities and examines unique barriers they face to help-seeking.
Two 2024 reports from the University of New South Wales, National Survey of LGBTIQA+SB Experiences of Sexual Violence: Report 1. Prevalence, attitudes and lifetime experiences and Report 2. Impact, help-seeking and bystander intervention, examine experiences of sexual violence amongst LGBTIQA+ and Brotherboy & Sistergirl communities.
Gender Minorities Aotearoa have conducted a 2024 literature review and meta-analysis of family and sexual violence resources across Aotearoa and internationally to assess their relevance for trans populations: As if I were a human being: Sexual violence, family violence and transgender people: a literature review/meta-analysis.
A US 2025 research article – Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy and Depressive Symptoms Among Transgender Adults – examines the positive relationship between hormone therapy and lower risk of moderate-to-severe depressive symptoms across 48 months of follow-up.
One in five trans and non-binary people threatened with physical violence, RNZ, 27.02.2025
Trump makes 'two sexes' official and scraps DEI policies, BBC, 21.01.2025
The Trans Tipping Point: Some Thoughts on Transphobia and Scapegoats, The Spinoff, 02.05.2023
Submissions open for Crimes Legislation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment Bill
The Crimes Legislation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment Bill seeks to address stalking, which can pose a threat of serious harm to victims. The Bill proposes to:
- create a stalking and harassment offence in the Crimes Act 1961
- introduce new aggravating factors that recognise the unique circumstances associated with stalking and breaching a restraining order in the Sentencing Act 2002
- expand the definition of psychological abuse to include stalking in the Family Violence Act 2018
- prevent self-represented defendants charged with the new offence from being able to personally cross-examine alleged victims.
The closing date for submissions is 11.59pm, Thursday 13 February 2025.
The Bill passed its first reading on 12 December 2024 and was introduced by Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith:
“Existing harassment laws haven’t kept pace with trends in this dangerous area. Since I announced this Bill, many victims and advocates have talked about the need to have this law in place as soon as possible. The Bill has been referred to the Justice Select Committee and I encourage anyone who has been affected by stalking to have their say."
Definition of stalking in the Bill
The Bill defines stalking as “a pattern of behaviour” where a person engages in three separate stalking actions within a 12-month period while knowing their actions are “likely to cause fear or distress”.
It specifies the following acts as stalking behaviours:
- watching, following, loitering near, or obstructing
- recording or tracking
- contacting or communicating
- damaging, devaluing, moving, entering, or interfering with taonga or property (including pets)
- damaging or undermining reputation, opportunities, or relationships
- acting in any way that would cause fear or distress to a reasonable person.
These acts can be done directly or indirectly to another person, or any close friends or family members of that person (when targeted due to their relationship with the main victim). These acts can be done personally by an individual, or by an individual via a third-party individual, institution, or organisation. The act may be facilitated “by or through any means whatsoever (for example, tracking devices, digital applications, spyware, drones, or the use of artificial intelligence)”.
The definition provided by the Bill covers most acts included in the Coalition for the Safety of Women and Children and the National Collective of Independent Women’s Refuges’ 2022 policy report on a potential stalking law for Aotearoa. Behaviours not specifically included in the Bill include:
- Implicit or explicit threats
- Leaving unwanted items
- Disturbing sleep, peace, privacy
- Doxing
- Using a victim’s disability to harm
- Vexatious litigation (or legal harassment).
The frequency of contact may itself distinguish the behaviour as threatening, for example, repeated phone calls, or calls late at night. The report also notes that proxy stalking via children is particularly common.
Public interest in stalking law reform
Public interest in stalking law reform grew in response to the high-profile murder of Farzana Yaqubi in December 2022, who complained to police weeks beforehand that she was being stalked.
The Independent Policy Conduct Authority found the police response to be inadequate. Key findings include:
- The initial assessment matrix Police use to assess allegations of stalking is not fit-for-purpose
- Police did not consider cultural and religious factors that influenced how Ms Yaqubi engaged with them
- Police did not provide her with appropriate support
- Police failed to ensure significant matters raised in her formal statement were immediately addressed
- Police failed to link Ms Yaqubi’s file and the file of another young girl who was also being threatened by the same man, so did not accurately record the full picture of risk posed.
Development of the Bill was supported by family violence subject matter experts (FV SMEs) within Te Tāhū Hauora | Health Quality & Safety Commission who made several recommendations for stalking legislation. They recommended:
- Any stalking legislation be based on a comprehensive understanding of violence, as described in the Family Violence Act (2018), including an understanding of patterns of harmful behaviours
- Family violence responders are supported to take heed of the concerns of family and whānau members who report violence
- Consideration should also be given to supporting and providing a whole of family, whole of whānau response where stalking is evident.
What makes anti-stalking legislation effective
Awatea Mita from Aotearoa Free From Stalking (AFFS) said that the proposed anti-stalking and harassment legislation currently before Parliament is not as robust as it could be due to the failure to consult properly with Māori. Agencies with statutory responsibilities have often failed Māori, who now feel they must look out for themselves:
“So, it’s building up our communities to be able to address stalking and harassment… but this is in the face of a lack of funding, to be able to carry out all these actions. And so, what we would also hope is that at some point there will be more resourcing for our whānau who are being harmed by stalking.”
Alison Towns of the Coalition for Safety of Women and Children told Midday Report how important it was that the bill talked about a pattern of behaviour:
“One act might appear quite trivial, but when it's seen in the context of the behaviour of the stalker, it has a totally different meaning, so it's important to look at it as a pattern of behaviour…"
"I'm not convinced that they're going to include threats in there… and threats are very much a part of stalking. It may be that they're considering threats elsewhere in the Crimes Act and don't need to be in this stalking legislation, but they're so much a part of what is stalking that I think they need to be included."
She noted that we have poor data on how common stalking is, but overseas data suggested "between 15 and 20 percent of women are stalked and between five and 10 percent of men… People from indigenous cultures are stalked much more than others."
How to have your say
Aotearoa Free From Stalking (AFFS) have created a submission content guide where they have identified a few strengths and weaknesses of the current legislation.
You can:
Make your own public submission by 11:59pm Thurs 13 February. Your submission will be published alongside your name, so please be aware that anyone may see it.
Complete an anonymous parliamentary survey that will help inform the select committee by Thurs 13 February.
Participate in AFFS’s secure anonymous 45-minute questionnaire to inform the Auckland Women’s Centre/Aotearoa Free From Stalking submission on the bill by Sunday 9 February.
More information on your options and a formal submission template can be found in AFFS’s “have your say” options guide.
Zeni’s experience is extreme, but it isn’t rare, The Spinoff, 25.11.24
Police could have stopped stalker who murdered Farzana Yaqubi, victim advocate says, RNZ, 18.04.24

Te Aorerekura second Action Plan launched
Te Aorerekura is a 25-year national strategy to eliminate family and sexual violence in Aotearoa through coordinated government and community action. The strategy was launched in December 2021 along with the first Action Plan, which concluded in December 2023.
The second Te Aorerekura Action Plan 2025 - 2030, Breaking the Cycle, has seven focus areas it will deliver over the next five years:
- Investing and commissioning well
- Keeping people safe
- Stopping violence
- Protecting children and young people
- Strengthening our workforce
- Taking action on sexual violence
- Preventing violence before it starts
During the launch of the five-year plan, Minister for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour outlined that it would be divided into two sections, with the first two years focusing on investing and commissioning well, keeping people safe, and stopping violence. Progress would then be assessed and focus refreshed for the remaining three years.
Investing and commissioning well includes:
- Taking a social investment approach to better map the impact of spending
- Reviewing current spending for future investment
- Improving how contracts in the sector are managed, including reducing duplication and increasing coordination.
Keeping people safe includes:
- Strengthening multi-agency responses by bringing providers together to deliver sustainable safety services to victim-survivors
- Using the recently released multi-agency response report from Te Puna Aonui as an important baseline to identify opportunities for improvement.
Stopping violence includes:
- Introducing new anti-stalking legislation
- Reviewing mandatory non-violence programmes for those subject to protection orders
- Rolling out a new family violence service for men called Te Huringa ō te Ao
- Extending rehabilitation services
- Creating a single ACC/MSD platform for sexual violence services
- Continuing to develop kaupapa Māori sexual violence services
Minister Chhour stated:
“[That] is what this Action Plan is all about: delivering practical improvements in key parts of the system, with a focus on families and whānau who we are here to serve. We want to do more of what works to break the cycle of violence. This Plan takes a different approach to the first Action Plan and is centred on government doing fewer things, more comprehensively.”
In response to the release of the plan, Women’s Refuge Chief Executive Dr Ang Jury told RNZ that while there were things in the plan she found “useful”, there needed to be far more investment and focus on prevention work. "It's about stopping that situation occurring in the first place… It does not have to be like this, we know it doesn't have to be like this but we keep allowing the conditions that enable it." She noted this plan comes at a time when police have begun stepping back from family harm incidents: "We're seeing police not responding to incidents where they previously would, where there is no risk of physical harm. It's not spread right across the country yet, but certainly we are starting to see some differences."
Similarly, Grenville Hendricks spoke on behalf of Shine, saying: “We should be putting more money into prevention. We should be spending a lot more money on the children and those that are impacted by family violence because they become the next generation."
Closing Report for Action Plan 1.0: Reporting and reflecting on the first Te Aorerekura Action Plan
Delivery of the first Te Aorerekura Action Plan (2021-2023) has now been completed, and the Closing Report for Action Plan 1.0 reflects on Te Puna Aonui’s experiences during delivery. Key achievements include:
- Production of key reports including Family Violence and Sexual Violence Service Gaps, Outcomes and Measurements Framework, and Family Violence Workforce Capability Framework
- $188 million secured for family and sexual violence initiatives
- Foundational training for 550 court-related workforce members to ensure safe, consistent, and culturally appropriate staff responses to disclosures of family or sexual violence
- Regional partnerships for kaupapa Māori service design with ACC, Te Puni Kōkiri
- Launch of Family Violence Online Help Tools, Campaign for Action on Family Violence and other prevention initiatives
- Programmes trialled and expanded for population groups like Waitematā Safeguarding Adults from Abuse pilot, Social and Emotional Learning pilot.
Appendix 1 of the closing report outlines the status of the first action plan’s 40 commitments. 23 are completed, while 17 are ongoing. Work still in progress includes:
- Continuous capacity building and support for Te Aorerekura, including investment planning and improvement of learning systems
- Developing new practice guidelines for participants in court proceedings and case management systems for responders
- Ongoing community engagement for collective implementation of programmes and local capacity building for primary prevention of violence
- Specialist sexual violence framework development and community mobilisation
- Development and delivery of family and sexual violence prevention initiatives, and kaupapa Māori sexual violence elimination and healing programmes
- Development of tools and curriculums to support healthy relationship education for young people
- Delivery of violence prevention programmes for ethnic communities
- Delivering safeguarding responses for disabled and vulnerable adults.
Understanding the current state of Family Violence: Multi-Agency Responses
The Multi-Agency Responses report outlines the current state of multi-agency responses. It sought to understand the current state of each local crisis family violence response to strengthen existing processes and structures to deliver safer, more effective responses.
Steps taken to complete the current state analysis:
- Te Puna Aonui reviewed existing evaluations and reviews of multi-agency responses
- A cross-agency advisory group (Te Puna Aonui, Ministry of Social Development, NZ Police, and Oranga Tamariki) agreed the scope and further information required to complete the analysis
- Decision taken to gather the same information from all sites
- Decision taken to look at responses through the Safety Assessment Meeting (SAM) table and equivalent groups, which limits information gathered (no cases of sexual assault or assault on children, but family violence where children are present is included)
- Data gathering sessions involved a mix of people from local sites, online or in-person between 23 April and 13 May 2024.
Key insights:
- 40 sites across the country operate in diverse ways and have adapted to suit local communities
- Weekly case volumes, number of attending organisations (government, non-government, and iwi), number of available specialist and generalist services, number of response organisations, number of referral organisations, and frequency of meetings varies across all sites
- There is a need for balance between national consistency and local innovation
- Some sites work uniquely with iwi partners to best serve whānau Māori experiencing family violence
- The lion’s share of work undertaken to respond to family violence happens outside of multi-agency meetings, but most sites were keen to ensure that the value of meetings was understood and preserved.
Related Media
Family violence funding review could see services lose out – critics, RNZ, 16.12.2024
Government launches new plan for reducing family and sexual violence, RNZ, 15.12.2024
Family, sexual violence: New action plan released by Government, New Zealand Herald, 15.12.2024
Government to review $1.3b in family and sexual violence spending, Stuff, 15.12.2024
The holiday season can be a very difficult time for people who may be at risk from family violence and/or sexual violence. Support services for people experiencing violence are always available, even during the holidays. Contact details for support services are on our website.
The website Are You Ok has information about how to get support for people experiencing violence. There is information to get help for yourself, friends, family or whānau, or your children.
For people using violence or worried about their behaviour, find information, live chat and links to support services at Change is Possible. This website also has information for people who want to support someone who might be using violence.
Shine have created key messages that employers can share with employees ahead of the holidays: Domestic Violence & the Holiday Season - key messages for your employees.
We hope that you are able to take some time out to be with your family or whānau and rest and rejuvenate over the holidays. We look forward to continuing to work alongside you to eliminate and prevent violence in 2025.

Manatū Hauora | Ministry of Health (MOH) have released their evidence brief and position statement on the use of puberty blockers for gender identity issues.
The Position Statement sets out expectations of greater precaution in the prescribing of puberty blockers to transgender young people. It also advised deferring the prescription of puberty blockers to transgender young people to interprofessional teams experienced in administering gender-affirming healthcare to transgender children.
The MOH has also announced that it has been asked by Government to hold a public consultation on whether additional restrictions are needed on the use of puberty blockers in young people with gender-related health needs including “…additional safety measures for puberty blockers, such as regulations under the Medicines Act.”
MOH stated “In particular, the Ministry seeks input from organisations that represent people who may be affected by safety measures or that may be involved in how safety measures are used in practice.” Submissions are due 20 January 2025.
Community responses
Gender Minorities Aotearoa (GMA), a national transgender organisation, have undertaken an analysis of the MOH’s review of the use of puberty blocker, which found that the MOH's Evidence Brief, Position Statement, and consultation are discriminatory. They argue that the MOH is adding extra scrutiny to gender-affirming treatment for young people only if they are transgender: “Creating further regulations and restrictions specifically for transgender people is sex based discrimination.”
GMA highlight the double standard in the provision of gender affirming healthcare:
“Blocking hormones during puberty is normal. It is the usual medical approach to children with unwanted sex characteristics. Unless those children are transgender.”
GMA also highlight methodological concerns including that the initial framing of the MOH review’s scope focused on puberty blockers effects on general wellbeing and “gender dysphoria”, and not on the physiological changes the medicines are sought for. Further concerns include:
- That MOH “downgraded studies that looked at what transgender people said about their wellbeing, and didn’t see it as good evidence if transgender people’s bodies changed, or if they said the treatment worked and was helpful.”
- MOH claims that “evidence about gender dysphoria being reduced by puberty blockers was bad evidence if the researchers didn’t also check if psychological support, family support and school support could fix “gender dysphoria.””
- “[s]tudies were assessed as “low quality” (or “at risk of bias”) if a majority of the transgender children receiving puberty blockers had a supportive environment.”
GMA have also criticised the MOH’s decision to hold a public consultation on this matter. They highlight that the MOH “does not use a public consultation process to decide the medical care of any other group.” They also draw attention to the risk associated with holding a public consultation given the heightened interest of the “large international population of anti-transgender extremist groups.”
Jennifer Shields, the president of the Professional Association for Transgender Health Aotearoa (PATHA), commented that, “[i]t’s highly unusual and inappropriate to engage in public consultation on a medical matter, particularly for a minority group already exposed to increasing levels of hatred and disinformation…[t]his process is discriminatory, already doing harm, and has the potential to do massive and irreversible damage to a generation of trans children.”
The MOH has also been criticised by both GMA and PATHA for the inadequacy of its direct consultation with the rainbow community. They, alongside 24 other representatives from rainbow community organisations were invited to a single, shared 30-minute consultation meeting which was later extended to 60 minutes.
The MOH's brief was delayed a number of times in part to take the findings of the Cass Review in the UK into account. For more information on methodological flaws of The Cass Review, see An Evidence-Based Critique of “The Cass Review” on Gender-affirming Care for Adolescent Gender Dysphoria (2024) published by the Yale School of Medicine, as well as the British Medical Association’s call to immediately halt the implementation of the reviews findings.
Resources for making a submission
Several organisations have produced resources for making submissions on the MOH’s consultation. Submissions are due 20 January 2025.
InsideOUT Kōaro, a national charity providing education, resources, consultation, and support for anything concerning Rainbow and Takatāpui communities, have published their Submission guide for puberty blocker restrictions.
Te Ngākau Kahukura, an organisation working to make communities, environments, and systems safe and inclusive for Rainbow people, have compiled a list of resources to help people understand the issue and to support them to make a submission.
GMA have also provided information and advice on the consultation towards the end of their analysis of the puberty blocker review. For additional information on puberty blockers, see their primer Puberty blockers and differing ethical perspectives (2024).
Emily Writes has written on the MOH’s consultation and has provided information on writing an effective submission in, How you can stand up for trans kids being targeted by this government.
See also the publication of the review into Queensland’s gender services, which found they delivered safe and evidence-based care.
Related News
The Education Review Office (ERO) has published Let’s talk about it: Review of relationships and sexuality education (2024). In their media release, ERO shared that they found "too much inconsistency in relationships and sexuality education.” Underscoring its importance, they write “Relationships and sexuality education plays an important role in teaching students to identify and reject misinformation and harmful attitudes.”
The media release also shares ERO’s findings and concerns about the existing consultation process schools must currently undertake with regards to relationships and sexuality education (RSE). ERO found that the diverging views held by parents and students as well as between male and female students, and mothers and fathers, made consultation difficult. To address these concerns, “ERO is also calling for schools to be required to inform and explain to parents what will be taught in relationships and sexuality education, rather than consult.”
The Government has welcomed the ERO report and its findings that the delivery and content of the current RSE curriculum is inconsistent and is, in some instances, failing to meeting the need of student. In their response to the report, Education Minister, Erica Stanford, announced that the MOE will be developing a new RSE curriculum, stating “[a] draft of the topic areas to be taught will be available from Term 1 with consultation open later in 2025.”
Related Media
Puberty blockers: Health Ministry releases evidence brief, 1News, 21.11.2024
Careful approach to puberty blockers – Expert Reaction, Science Media Centre, 21.11.2024

VisAble launch
Tāngata and whānau whaikaha Māori, tagata sa’ilimalo and their āiga-tele, d/Deaf, neurodivergent, and disabled people, along with their allies, policymakers and politicians celebrated the official launch of VisAble on 24 October 2024. The term "disabled people" is used to include tāngata and whānau whaikaha Māori, tagata sa’ilimalo and their āiga-tele, d/Deaf, neurodivergent, disabled people, Adults at Risk (across the lifespan), and their families.
VisAble is a disability-led not-for-profit organisation dedicated to making violence against disabled people visible, while building a more responsive family violence and sexual violence prevention system. VisAble works to equip and enable individuals and organisations working with or in contact with people who are impacted by violence, to make their services more inclusive and accessible. They provide a range of tailored services and programmes to assist organisations to implement a Te Tiriti o Waitangi and rights-based twin-track response (that is based on the Enabling Good Lives (EGL) principles and approach) in the prevention, identification and response to violence, abuse and neglect against people.
Whaikaha has contracted VisAble to deliver the Disability Abuse Prevention and Response (DAPAR) service, which works to safeguard the rights of disabled people and responds to situations of violence, abuse and harm. According to the Whaikaha website, DAPAR does this by:
- "Working directly with the disabled person and tāngata whaikaha Māori and building a Safeguarding Adults from Abuse (SAFA) multi-agency response to individual situations of concern
- supporting disabled people and tāngata whaikaha Māori to access mainstream family violence and sexual violence (FVSV) services
- building capacity and capability of individuals, organisations, services and systems through education and training."
Currently DAPAR is only taking referrals for SAFA responses to situations of concern from Whaikaha, Needs Assessment and Coordination, and Enabling Good Lives sites.
Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence, Karen Chhour, and Minister for Disability Issues, Louise Upston, hosted the launch at Parliament. Speaking at the launch Louise Upston said that safeguarding adults at risk is "...a significant part of not just my work as a Minister for Disability Issues but across government." In her speech, Karen Chhour said,
"Disabled people are among the groups of people disproportionately impacted by family violence and sexual violence, and it is often harder for them to seek help and be heard.
It will take all of us, especially groups like VisAble, to enable effective responses from the system, as well as building a culture of care and respect for children, young people, adults at risk and families to prevent, respond and heal from violence."
Timeline storyboards at the launch outlined the work of advocates, including Sue Hobbs and Debbie Hager, leading to the launch of VisAble. Speakers at the launch gave tribute to Dr Pauline Boyles, who championed the Safeguarding project at Whaikaha. Paula Tesoriero, Chief Executive of Whaikaha, and Liz Tanielu, from Te Puna Aonui, also spoke at the launch.
At the launch Paul Gibson, VisAble's recently appointed Chief Executive, talked about:
"...three challenges and three solutions; listening to disabled people, implementing the Abuse in Care Inquiry recommendations and fixing the current problems of the increasing abuse against disabled people as a result of recent decisions."
Read a transcript of the launch event including all speakers.
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Submissions open on Responding to Abuse in Care Legislation Amendment Bill and Government apology and response to Abuse in Care inquiry findings.
The Social Services and Community Committee are calling for submissions on the Responding to Abuse in Care Legislation Amendment Bill. Submissions are due 11 December 2024. It is an omnibus bill that proposes to amend 4 different Acts. One of the proposed changes is to amend the Crimes Act 1961, to explicitly include disability in the definition of a vulnerable adult.
Disabled people and advocates have more broadly criticised the use of the word 'vulnerable' to describe or refer to disabled people. Adult at Risk is the preferred language as noted in the Family Violence Death Review 2023 position paper Responding to adults at risk who need care and support and who are experiencing family violence (see page 3, footnote 3).
The legislation was announced following the government's public apology to survivors of abuse in care, which was delivered on the 12th of November 2024.
Disabled survivors made up just over a quarter (27 percent) of the 2,329 survivors who registered with the Inquiry. This does not include Deaf survivors or survivors who experienced mental distress. Deaf survivors including tāngata Turi Māori comprised 6 percent of the 2,329 survivors who registered with the Inquiry. Many Deaf people do not identify as disabled.
Many disabled people were among those listening and watching as the national apology was given by the Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, followed by a statement from the Leader of the Opposition, Chris Hipkins. The national apology followed an earlier event at Parliament where the chief executives of several agencies also made apologies. Survivors had a brief opportunity to respond. Disability advocate, Gary Williams introduced a video clip of the late Sir Robert Martin giving evidence to the Abuse in Care Inquiry, followed by Fa’afete Taito, Keith Wiffin, Tu Chapman and Poi Karakia.
- Access recordings of individual speakers on the Abuse in Care apology programme (recording available on Vimeo)
- Read the full text of the national apology made by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon. Watch video of Christopher Luxon
- Read statement of apology by Leader of the Opposition, Chris Hipkins. Watch video of Chris Hipkins
Disabled people were also critical of the arrangements for the apology, some saying the registration process was not accessible, while other survivors felt retraumatised by the need to go in a ballot to attend the proceedings at Parliament due to the restriction on the number of attendees.
Changes to Whaikaha and Disability Support Services
Update: Paula Tesoriero, Chief Executive of Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People, gave a statement about the changes to Whaikaha on 2 December 2024.
Following an independent review the government announced changes affecting the future of Whaikaha Ministry of Disabled People and funding for disabled people’s services. This included that the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) would take over responsibility for delivering the Disability Support Services by October 2024. The government also announced that Whaikaha — Ministry of Disabled People would become a stand-alone government department but with reduced responsibility for strategic policy advice, monitoring the effectiveness of services, education, and advocacy. These decisions were made 2 years after Whaikaha, Ministry of Disabled people was established.
The Independent Review of Disability Support Services (2024), subtitled "A report to provide advice on the actions that should be taken immediately in the 2024/25 financial year to better manage the increasing cost pressures faced by Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People", made 7 recommendations. It states:
"It is the assessment of the Reviewers that the Ministry is in urgent need of change. Current fiscal controls are inadequate; monitoring and evaluation is poor; there is a worrying lack of clarity about the terms and conditions of existing provider contracts; the roles of the NASCs and hosts are in need of review, and the shared services provided to the Ministry by MSD, MOH and HNZ, and the Departmental Agency Agreement with MSD, need to be reassessed and strengthened." (paragraph 154).
The disabled community and advocates have criticised these decisions. In response to these announcements, the New Zealand Disability Support Network (NZDSN) said,
"The disability community fought long and hard to have a Ministry focused on the needs of disabled people with control of its own budget. Whaikaha is not perfect, but it is a big step in the right direction. Now, the Government is taking us back to the days of the Office for Disability Issues, making Whaikaha a toothless ‘advisory’ agency that will have no budget for helping disabled people."
Kaihautū Tika Hauātanga Disability Rights Commissioner Prudence Walker says "...it is very disappointing to see a key function of Whaikaha, Ministry for Disabled People, removed from it."
There is a new Disability Support Services website. The Disability Support Services Taskforce is working on how disability support services should best be provided in the future and recently sought feedback through a survey. The survey has now closed and the Taskforce expects to share results in December. The survey is the first round of input on this work. Further community engagement and consultation will be held in early 2025.
UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities
The United Nations celebrates International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December each year. The theme for 2024 is "Amplifying the leadership of persons with disabilities for an inclusive and sustainable future." The theme emphasises the importance of the participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes that affect their lives. For 2024 the UN outlined the following key goals and calls to action:
- "Promoting the leadership of persons with disabilities in all areas of life.
- Ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of society.
- Increasing the participation of persons with disabilities in decision-making processes.
- Raising awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities.
- Celebrating the achievements of persons with disabilities."
Te Kāhui Tika Tangata Human Rights Commission is hosting a webinar in recognition of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2024. Disability Rights Commissioner Prudence Walker will host a panel discussion. Registration is free.
Australia-based Our Watch is hosting a webinar on 11 December 2024 on Changing the landscape – new resources for preventing violence against women and girls with disabilities.
Other related UN Initiatives
In 2023, the Zero Project published the Model Policy Report, which showcases innovative policies that integrate the principles of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) into the fabric of sustainable development. The Zero Project is an Australia-based global initiative to support the implementation of the CRPD.
The United Nations Development Programme and UN Women, with funding from the United Nations Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, piloted the Addressing Stigma and Discrimination against Women with Disabilities project in Moldova, Pakistan, Palestine and Samoa. This project produced the Women with disabilities stigma inventory (WDSI) toolkit, a survey tool to assess the experiences of women and girls with disabilities regarding stigma, discrimination, and gender-based violence. Alongside developing the WDSI using a participatory approach, a methodological note and ethical guidelines were also produced to ensure a human rights–based approach and to minimise harm.
Related research
Recent research and publications added to our library include:
Child to parent violence and abuse: New Zealand's invisible family violence (2024) by Lee Tempest, published by VisAble
Reports from Understanding Policing Delivery: Tākata Whaikaha, D/deaf and Disabled People (2024) from the Donald Beasley Institute
Report on complaints to HDC about Residential Disability Support Services (2024) from the Health and Disability Commissioner | Te Toihau Hauora, Hauātanga makes recommendations for improvements after reviewing five years of complaints
Case studies from the Abuse in Care Inquiry related to the experiences of disabled and d/Deaf people:
- Beautiful children : Te Uiui o te Manga Tamariki me te Rangatahi ki Lake Alice | Inquiry into the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit
- Our hands were tied : Van Asch College and Kelston School for the Deaf A case study of audism abuse at Deaf Schools
- Out of sight, out of mind : Kimberley Centre. A case study into the Kimberley Centre, a ‘psychopaedic’ institution for people with a learning disability
- Stolen lives, marked souls : Te whakatewhatewhatanga o te Kāhui o ngā Parata o Hato Hoani o te Atua i te kura o Marylands me te Tarati o Hebron The inquiry into the Order of the Brothers of St John of God at Marylands School and Hebron Trust
Dr Patsie Frawley wrote a Disability overview for the Abuse in Care Inquiry highlighting the experiences of disabled people in care.
Earlier this year Kirsty Johnston produced the 8-part podcast series, Nellie's baby, which follows Sarah as she searches for her biological mother, a mental health patient who was institutionalised in Porirua Hospital.
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Submissions open on legislation to redefine the Treaty relationship
The Justice Select Committee is calling for submissions on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill.
Submissions are due 7 January 2025.
The Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill would redefine the Treaty relationship between Māori and the Crown, replacing it with 3 principles developed by the ACT Party.
Treasury provided a Regulatory Impact Statement on the draft legislation in August 2024, which found, “the status quo is more beneficial.” Their analysis includes that the draft bill is “worse than the status quo” for: upholding the Treaty; clarity and certainty; promoting social cohesion and consensus; and maintaining constitutional legitimacy. There were no criteria where the draft bill was better than the status quo.
The Treaty, colonisation and ending violence
He Waka Eke Noa was the first comprehensive study of violence centring kaupapa and mātauranga Māori. Its findings include:
- “The failure of the Crown to uphold Te Tiriti o Waitangi is highlighted in all components of the research as a structural reason that underpins the level to which whānau have been exposed to generations of violence.”
- “Transforming the impact of violence upon whānau requires approaches that are aligned to the wider notions of tino rangatiratanga and mana Motuhake.”
- “Honouring, enacting and upholding Te Tiriti o Waitangi is considered a critical part of the solution to the underlying systemic issues that sustain violence.”
- “Honouring Te Tiriti o Waitangi will begin to unlock the appropriate frameworks and models for good partnership and decision making that will support whānau wellbeing.”
The Treaty Principles Bill ignores the context of colonisation and its harm to Māori, and moves away from upholding and honouring the treaty.
The national strategy to eliminate family violence and sexual violence, Te Aorerekura, also identifies that "Violence that impacts whānau is rooted in the marginalisation of tangata whenua and societal changes enforced during the colonisation of Aotearoa."
The Strategy identifies a strong treaty relationship as a foundation for ending violence and growing toiora whānau:
“The Treaty of Waitangi |Te Tiriti o Waitangi, te ao Māori, and whānau-centred approaches are central to Te Aorerekura. They provide a unique perspective for Aotearoa New Zealand about how family violence and sexual violence can be eliminated and how safety and wellbeing can be realised for all people.”
Waitangi Tribunal Report on Treaty Principles Bill updated
The Waitangi Tribunal has released Ngā Mātāpono/The Principles: Part II of the Interim Report of the Tomokia Ngā Tatau o Matangireia – The Constitutional Kaupapa Inquiry Panel on The Crown’s Treaty Principles Bill and Treaty Clause Review Policies (2024).
The report updates the previous interim report with an additional chapter. That report found that the Treaty Principles Bill and the Crown’s agreement to support it are in breach of the treaty principles of partnership and reciprocity, active protection, good government, equity, redress, and the article 2 guarantee of rangatiratanga. The updated report adds further findings of breaches, which cause significant prejudice to Māori. The Tribunal confirmed its recommendation that the Bill be abandoned.
“the Crown’s process to develop the Bill has purposefully excluded any consultation with Māori, breaching the principle of partnership, the Crown’s good-faith obligations, and the Crown’s duty to actively protect Māori rights and interests. The Tribunal also found this policy process to be in breach of the principle of good government, as Cabinet has decided to progress the Bill despite it being a policy that is not evidence-based, has not been adequately tested, has not been consulted upon, and fails regulatory standards.”
The Tribunal also found:
- “Māori would be particularly prejudiced by the extinguishment of tino rangatiratanga in a legal sense if the Bill were to be enacted”
- “the new principles would advance the discredited agenda of assimilation”
- “Cabinet’s decision to introduce the Bill would prejudice Māori by further damaging the Māori–Crown relationship”
- “Māori would also feel the brunt of the social disorder and division caused by the introduction of the Bill.”
Widespread opposition to Treaty Principles Bill
Te Hunga Rōia Māori shared excerpts of a letter calling on the Prime Minister to abandon the Treaty Principles Bill, which they describe as “an act of bad faith and deep dishonour.” Their reasons include:
- That conversation about the Bill is divisive and misinformed, and “Māori will bear the brunt of that misinformation.”
- The Bill attempts “to reframe and minimise the guarantees made to Māori” in the Treaty.
- “Applying the new and distorted principles to the interpretation of the Treaty across all law would have the legal effect of redefining Te Tiriti itself.”
- “The Crown’s actions are not only inconsistent and contrary to the advice of their own officials (including the Ministry of Justice), the recommendations of the Waitangi Tribunal and Te Tiriti o Waitangi itself, but also other international agreements such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.”
In a letter to the Prime Minister and the Attorney-General, 42 King’s Counsel stated that the Treaty Principles Bill should be abandoned. Their reasons include:
- “By imposing a contested definition of the three articles, the Bill seeks to rewrite the Treaty itself.”
- “The Treaty Principles Bill would have the effect of unilaterally changing the meaning of te Tiriti and its effect in law, without the agreement of Māori as the Treaty partner.”
- The proposed “Principle 2” erases the Crown’s guarantee to Māori of tino rangatiratanga, and attempts to exclude the courts from deciding on questions of treaty rights.
- The proposed “Principle 3” erases the Crown’s guarantee to Māori of the right to be Māori and to have tikanga recognised in law.
- “it is not for the government of the day to retrospectively and unilaterally reinterpret constitutional treaties. This would offend the basic principles which underpin New Zealand’s representative democracy.”
- “the Treaty Principles Bill would cause significant legal confusion and uncertainty, inevitably resulting in protracted litigation and cost.”
A petition to “Stop the Treaty Principles Bill” signed by over 200,000 people was given to Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke at Parliament on 19 November 2024. The petition continues to gather signatures, attracting more than 290,000 to date.
A nationwide hīkoi mō te Tiriti opposed to the introduction of the Treaty Principles Bill attracted tens of thousands around the country, and to Wellington on 19 November 2024. A feature of the hīkoi was the diversity of participants.
Submissions and templates
Te Kāhui Tika Tangata | The Human Rights Commission publicly released its submission, which describes the Bill as “...unnecessary, unworkable and in breach of human rights and Tiriti obligations.”
Many groups have produced guides and tools to support people to write submissions on the Treaty Principles Bill. These include:
- Together for Te Tiriti list local events supporting submission writing around the motu
- Tuku Kōrero is the simplest 'submission builder' to help write and even send submissions
- Koekoeā have produced a document explaining the submissions process, and are hosting nightly workshops across social media platforms
- Together for Te Tiriti have an online tool and downloadable template for the process of writing your submission in te reo Māori or English
- ANZASW will hold a webinar “Submission writing for beginners: Equipping social workers to respond to the Treaty Principles Bill” on 11 December 2024
- Lawyer Roimata Smail has created a downloadable submission template
- Common Grace has collected resources to support faith communities to encourage and gather submissions
- Greenpeace has created a Treaty Principles Bill personal submission builder
- The Green Party has published their submission and is collecting signatures in support of it. They have also produced an online guide for writing a submission on the Bill.
NZFVC Submission
You can read the submission from NZFVC here.
Update: Maranga Mai release response to Treaty Principles Bill, Tuku Kōrero mō te Pire Takahi Tiriti
Maranga Mai, the working group towards a People’s Action Plan Against Racism in Aotearoa, has released their response to the Treaty Principles Bill, Tuku Kōrero mō te Pire Takahi Tiriti (2025). Maranga Mai were appointed by the National Iwi Chairs’ Forum. In their response they provide a definition of racism and outline the racial dimensions of the Treaty Principles Bill as well as setting several expectations for the Government’s response to this Bill.
This is an opportunity to make a significant contribution towards eliminating sexual violence and family violence in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Policy Lead will be responsible for:
- Building and maintaining effective relationships with key research and policy professionals and within communities.
- Monitoring communications from key stakeholders to identify emerging research, issues, policy changes and relevant events.
- Collaborating on website content and developing evidence briefs and submissions on policy and legislation relative to family and sexual violence in Aotearoa.
It is expected that applicants will be experienced in collaborative and integrated partnerships across the family violence and sexual violence sectors. As well as a strong family and/or sexual violence focus to their academic and research background, experience working on equity, working with priority populations and knowledge of te reo me ōna tikanga Māori is preferred.
Please share with your networks.
See the job description for more details and find further information on Seek. The closing date for applications is Sunday 24 November, 5pm. Note we may interview prior to the close date.

Abuse of older people symposium
The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse and the Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora co-hosted a one-day symposium to bring together specialists, researchers and policymakers working to address the abuse of older people. This event was held on 3 September 2024 at the University of Auckland | Waipapa Taumata Rau in Auckland. The symposium featured speaker panels and workshop discussions that explored the critical gaps in our understanding of and response to abuse of older people in Aotearoa.
The speaker panels and workshops addressed 4 themes:
- Understanding and measuring abuse of older people
- Inequities and intersectional identities
- Reflections from practice on barriers and challenges
- Aspirations for wellbeing and hauora.
Speakers shared insights from their work, providing a starting point to spark conversation, broaden thinking and create opportunities for collaboration. Videos and slides from these short presentations are available on our website.
MSD consulting on 2025 long-term insights briefing
The Ministry of Social Development | Te Manatū Whakahiato Ora is currently consulting on the topic of its next Long-term Insights Briefing. The proposed topic is Current and future disadvantage for older New Zealanders.
MSD states that it has proposed the topic on the basis of evidence that suggests disadvantage for older people has the potential to become an issue of increasing significance for New Zealand, due to a combination of demographic changes, social and economic trends, and public finance constraints.
All feedback is due by 25 October 2024.
MSD would like to better understand these kinds of issues for New Zealand's ageing population and their implications for policies and services.
More information on Long Term Insights Briefings can be found at the DPMC website.
International Day of Older Persons
The International Day of Older Persons was observed on the 1st of October. The theme for 2024 is "Ageing with Dignity: The Importance of Strengthening Care and Support Systems for Older Persons Worldwide".
In a press release to mark the day, Chief Executive of Age Concern New Zealand Karen Billings-Jensen stated that:
"Ageing with dignity is a fundamental right, and supporting that means having care and support service options that allow older people to thrive. Our mission is to advocate for respect, care, and support for older New Zealanders, ensuring their voices are heard and their needs met."
The UN Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, Claudia Mahler, marked the day with a call for urgent global action to safeguard the rights of older persons in the face of an ageing world population. She highlighted the persistence of ageism and discrimination as crucial barriers for older persons’ access to essential services, and their full participation in society:
"During my recent country visits, I have witnessed how ageism continues to impede older persons' rights," the Independent Expert said. "For those experiencing multiple forms of discrimination, such as older women, LGBTIQ+ persons, migrants, persons with disabilities and those belonging to minorities and Indigenous Peoples, these challenges are even more pronounced."
2021 – 2030 is also the Decade of Healthy Ageing. The decade has four action areas:
- Combatting ageism – changing how we think, feel and act towards ageing
- Creating age-friendly environments – enabling older people to participate in and contribute to their communities and society
- Providing integrated care – delivering integrated care and primary health services that are responsive to the needs of the individual
- Ensuring access to long-term care – providing access to long-term care for older people who need it.
You can find out more about work being undertaken to advance these action areas in Aotearoa on the Office for Seniors | Te Tari Kaumātua website. To get involved see the Community Conversations Facebook page from the Selwyn Foundation, an initiative of the Aotearoa New Zealand National Forum for the Decade of Health Ageing. Learn more about the Aotearoa National Forum in this RNZ interview with Denise Cosgrove, Selwyn Foundation Chief Executive.
Related Research
In 2022, the Office for Seniors provided eleven one-off grants of up to $25,000 for initiatives aiming to prevent the abuse of older people through the Elder Abuse Prevention Fund.
The Ministry of Social Development subsequently commissioned a review to explore the learning and insights from initiatives that received funding. The report, Gathering insights from the Elder Abuse Prevention Fund: a learning and insights review prepared for the Office for Seniors (2024), shares practice-based insights and information to enhance understanding of the scale, prevalence, and nature of the abuse of older people in New Zealand. The project involved a review of relevant documentation and nine semi-structured interviews with staff involved in the planning and implementation of the funded initiatives.
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